Creating a New Member (Advocate, Referral, or Lead)

Learn how to create a new member (Advocate, Referral, or Lead) manually.

Creating a new member

You can create a new member on the All Members page located on the left-side navigation menu, or you can go directly to the advocate, referrals, and lead page. Then click the + New Member button and choose the type of member you want to add (Advocate, Referral, or Lead).
Please Note: If your referral program supports multiple currencies, you will see a currency field when creating a member. Use this field to select the appropriate currency for the new member.
If you choose to create a new Advocate
A pop-up will appear to enter a Name, Email address, Payout Threshold, Password, and Email Credentials.

You can toggle the button "ON" or "OFF." to Send a Notification for a New Advocate (Sent when an advocate enrolls in your program) and for the Registration Email Notification (Sent when an advocate completes the registration).

Next, click Create Advocate on the right button.
If you choose to create a new Referral
A pop-up will appear to enter a Name, Email address, Advocate's email, Campaign name, and currency for the new referral.

You can toggle the button "ON" or "OFF." to Send Notification: New Referral (Sent when a new referral is captured) and for the Thank You Email (Sent to the referral when it's captured)
Next, click Create Referral on the right button.
If you choose to create a new Lead
A pop-up will appear to enter a Name, Email address for the new user.

Next, click Create lead on the right button.
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