How Can I Manually Process a Referral to Trigger a Bonus?
Learn how to manually reward advocates by issuing a bonus for a referral.

1-Go to Members > Referrals on the left-side navigation menu.
2-Find the referral using their email or name. Click the three dots in the actions column and select "Process to trigger bonus."
3- Fill out the form with the following details:
  • Internal Reference: For internal tracking (e.g., invoice number, contract number, payment ID).
  • Payment Amount (optional): The amount spent by the referral, which is required for percentage-based campaigns.
  • Campaign: Select the rewards campaign to use (visible only if multiple campaigns exist).
4- Click "Issue Bonus Now" to process the reward. The system will issue the bonus based on the provided details.
Please Note: This method is intended for offline referral programs or cases where a bonus needs to be triggered manually. The "Process to trigger bonus" action is only available for Referrals.
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