Bonus Approval

Learn How to Activate and Test the Bonus Approval Process to Manually Manage Rewards.

Where do I activate the Bonus Approval Process?

By default, this process is OFF, which means all bonuses are approved automatically. However, if you choose to activate it, the bonus approval process will be done manually.

To activate the bonus approval process in your referral program, follow the instructions below.

  1. Sign in to your Genius Referrals account.
  2. In the navigation menu on the left side, click Preferences under Program Settings.
  3. Next, click on the Bonus Approval on the Preferences list.
  4. Once on this page, use the toggle button on the right side of the screen to turn this process "ON" and check the Bonuses checkbox to activate it.
  5. After you've selected the Bonuses checkbox, click on the Save button.
Please Note: Bonus Approval is only available on certain Genius plans. See our plans and pricing here.
Bonus Approval Flow

A Bonus Approval Process includes the following status flow.

A bonus enters with a Pending status and needs to be reviewed and manually Approved or Denied (or automatically via API). To approve a bonus, you can move from Pending to Approved. To reject a bonus, you can move from Pending to Denied status. Additionally, you can move a Bonus from Denied to Approved.

How do I Test a Bonus Approval Process?

Follow the steps below to ensure your bonus approval process is working correctly.

  1. In the navigation menu on the left side, click on Referrals.
  2. Within this section, select a referral, go to the "Actions" column and click Process to trigger a bonus. Check out our support article: How do I Manually Process a Referral to Trigger a Bonus?
  3. Once the system issues a bonus, the bonus status will be Pending.
How do I Check a Bonus Status?

  1. In the navigation menu on the left side, click on Bonuses. On this page, you’ll be able to see the newly issued bonus in Pending status, with information such as the date, advocate, and more.
  2. Next, with the bonus approval process active, you can move the Pending bonus status to Approved or Denied.
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